Thursday 2 July 2015

6 Sexy Dating Practices You’ll LOVE From Around The World

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Add some international flair to your love life!
After many years of working with couples whose relationships are on the rocks, I know all too well how easy it is for spouses to fall into the “roommate rut” of familiarity and predictability. Yet singles often complain of the same type of thing: Routine dating habits and bland, predictable dates.

Dating behaviors and patterns are heavily influenced by the dating norms that exist within a person’s geographical region. They’re also influenced by cultural factors and the typical way that men and women interact socially. For those reasons, it’s easy to get stuck in a dating rut. It’s easy to keep repeating the same dating habits that simply aren’t leading you to the love of your life.
But how do you break out of a dating rut? Well, one way is to take a look at the dating conventions and gender interactions that exist in other countries to see whether adding a little international flair to your domestic dating scene might help Cupid land that arrow.
Check out the following six dating tips brought to you by Marina Iakovleva, creator of the Dating Beyond Borders web series, which focuses on dating tips and trends from around the world:
1. Dating In Cuba
Old-school romance. Since much of the population has little or no access to social media, they utilize traditional forms of communication — that means phone calls and hand-written letters instead of “Sup?” texts and Tinder pings.
2. Dating In Argentina
Seduction and spontaneity are the norm here. While singles in North America tend to focus on nightclubs, bars and dating sites to meet that special someone, Argentines see opportunity everywhere — bus stops, markets, you name it. A man who’s interested in a woman won’t play it cool, he’ll immediately go in for the seduction and ask her on a date. No mixed messages there.
3. Dating In The UK
While the North American dating scene is often weighed down by political correctness, the Brits are often more comfortable making fun of each other (and themselves) and talking openly about political issues. Sometimes it’s refreshing to tell it like it is. The Brits are also masters at verbal banter.
4. Dating In Spain
Spaniards are always present. They take a longer time to enjoy the finer things in life — food, wine, the company of friends. This ability to “stop and smell the roses” translates to their personal life. Unlike the hustle and bustle of the North American dating scene, Spaniards take the time to make eye contact (which you can’t do if you’re always staring at your smartphone!) and simply enjoy being together.
5. Dating In France
From politics to life questions, the French are genuinely curious about life and the person next to them. They have mastered the lost art of compelling, intelligent and informed conversation, which is integral to the art of seduction itself.
6. Dating In Italy
Masculinity and femininity reign supreme here. OK, I have to admit that this is my favorite. I’ve always been a vive la différence kind of person, so I’m going to finish with this point.
Italian men don’t try to project the “alpha male” persona; rather, they manage to embody masculinity through their body language, charm and inherent love of all women. Similar to men, Italian women don’t typically dress like streetwalkers or scream like a banshee outside a club at 2 AM. There’s a sense of integrity, class and feminine mystique that’s seen less and less in the North American dating scene.
Many view the traditional roles of the man as the pursuer as old-fashioned, especially in light of some forms of feminism; however, maintaining these traditional roles in Italy has kept the romance alive. It’s common to see a man run — actually run — to help a woman with her bags and see that woman respond with a warm smile and a genuine thank you.
Of course, these traits are idealized. There is good and bad in every country and dating scene.

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