Monday 27 July 2015

Syrian Kurds Accuse Turkey Of Attacking Their Forces

Kurdish militia forces in Syria have accused Turkey of attacking them. The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) say Turkish tanks shelled their units near Kobane in northern Syria. BBC has more:

Turkey said it was investigating the claim but insisted that its forces were not targeting Syrian Kurds. Turkey, which had previously not been involved in fighting in Syria, launched raids on Islamic State fighters there as well as Kurdish PKK militants in Iraq, following attacks in Turkey.
Turkey has battled PKK insurgents on its own territory in a conflict that has killed about 40,000 people since 1984. It says it has no plans to send ground troops into Syria.
The YPG said its forces had been shelled in the Kurdish-held village of Zormikhar, west of Kobane, on Sunday evening. It added that, an hour later, one of its vehicles had come “under heavy fire from the Turkish military east of Kobane in the village of Til Findire”.

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