Thursday 9 July 2015

Russian Government Launches ‘Safe Selfie’ Campaign

The Russian Interior Ministry has launched a “Safe Selfie” campaign encouraging citizens not to put their lives at risk for “‘likes’ on social media.” UPI reports:

The campaign, announced Tuesday by ministry official Yelena Alekseyeva, features a booklet with illustrations of selfie-taking no-nos including posing with firearms, climbing an electrical pylon, standing in front of an oncoming train or car, hanging from a rooftop and getting close to wildlife.
 “Even a million ‘likes’ on social media are not worth your life and well-being,” the campaign’s motto reads.
“Today technical advances do not stand still, but with all the advantages there are new challenges and threats,” Alekseyeva said. “Our booklet reminds you of how to take a safe selfie, so it is not the last one you will ever take.”
The ministry said the booklets will be distributed at public events and to students in Russian schools.

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