Wednesday 15 July 2015

Singer Throws Up, Passes Out On Plane While Wearing 12 Layers Of Clothing To Avoid Paying Excess Baggage Tax

Scottish singer James McElvar was recently in the news not for his vocal prowess, but for fainting on a flight! The teenager was so desperate to avoid paying excess baggage fee that he put on 12 layers of clothing. his overheated body didn’t really like the idea and he ended up passing out at 37,000 ft, on a flight from London to Glasgow. Oddity Central has more:

James, 19, is a member of a Scottish boyband called Rewind. When the band arrived at Stansted Airport last Wednesday, James was told by EasyJet staff that he would have to pay £45 for the excess weight he had packed into his suitcase and rucksack. Unwilling to cough up the cash, James did the first thing that occurred to him – he unpacked his bag and started to put on all his clothes. He didn’t stop until he had about 12 layers of clothing on! “I felt it was the only option, to put everything on,” the singer explained.
He ended up dressing himself in six t-shirts, four jumpers, three pairs of jeans, two pairs of jogging bottoms, a pair of jackets, and two hats. James later admitted that it wasn’t the smartest idea. “It was impossible to walk, I could barely get on the plane,” he said. “I wanted to take them all off as soon as I got to my seat.
Unable to bear the heat any longer, James began undressing even as the plane was taking off. But it was too late by then, his body temperature was already too high. He was incredibly warm, sweating profusely, and felt light headed and sick.

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