Thursday 28 May 2015

Foods with Anti-Cancer Properties

Vaccines have been developed for many diseases. Unfortunately, there are no established ways to prevent cancer. It is believed that seventy percent of the cancers are related to one’s lifestyle and can be avoided if one develops a healthy diet and lifestyle pattern.

While we know more about what not to eat to avoid the risk of developing cancer, there is an urgent need to understand that including certain foods in the diet has a direct and positive effect on cancer prevention efforts. These foods are also effective in fighting the disease and improving the effect of medication in people already battling the condition.
The best cancer prevention foods that are also the best foods that fight cancer are:
Garlic: It is an excellent and powerful neutralizer of free radicals and thus helps in cancer prevention. It is specifically protective against the cancers of the stomach and colon. According to the Iowa Women’s Health Study (USA – Steinmetz 1994), garlic provides protection against cancer in general and specifically lowers the risk of developing colon cancer. Garlic also regulates blood sugar levels and reduces insulin production, which in turn prevents the growth of tumors.
Tomato: A compound called lycopene is abundant in tomatoes and is known to provide protection against cell damage. Eating around 10 portions of tomato in a week can lower the risk of prostate cancer by as much as 18 percent. Lycopene obtained from tomato juice and tomato puree is more effective in comparison to that received from raw tomato.
Carrots: Carrots are packed with powerful cancer-busting agents. They contain carotenoids that have anti-cancer properties and are effective against cervical, bladder, colon and breast cancer, especially among menopausal women. Cooked carrots are 25 percent more effective than raw carrots. To get the most from these roots, make sure that you cook them whole to prevent nutrient loss.
Cruciferous Vegetables: Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower containphytonutrients and flavonoids, which constrain the metabolism of carcinogens (agents that can cause cancer). They are also known to stimulate the production of detoxification enzymes in the body. Cruciferous vegetables are known to lower the risk of lung, prostate, bladder and stomach cancer.
Sea Food: Consumption of oily fish is linked with reduced risk of certain cancers like prostate, breast, colon and oesophageal cancer. Fish cooked in a healthy way provides great protection against tumors. Cold water fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and taking three servings of fish in a week show beneficial results.
Legumes: Dried beans, split beans, peas, peanuts and lentils are excellent sources of fiber, protein and folate (a B vitamin).  Folate containing foods are known to provide protection against pancreatic cancer. These foods get their cancer fighting properties due to the presence of substances like lignanssaponinsand superior antioxidants. Legumes are also rich in resistant starch and improve the health of colon cells while providing them protection against cancer.
Furthermore, below are tips that help in improving one’s everyday diet and lifestyle:
  • It is important to choose the fats (that are a part of one’s diet) wisely and maintain an averagehealthy intake of fat in one’s everyday meals.
  • Consider replacing regular cooking oil with olive oil.
  • Avoid red, organ and processed meats.
  • Filter drinking water to avoid unnecessary chemicals that might have made their way into the water supply system.
  • Exercise acts as a catalyst to the diet, make sure you remain active in as many ways as possible to let the good cancer fighting foods work for you.

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