Wednesday 27 May 2015

Morgellons Disease

A mysterious illness called Morgellons disease has surfaced around the world, crossing boundaries of nations, religions, socio-economic status, race and almost every epidemiological criterion you can think of. The symptoms of this fascinating illness are hilarious – if not openly condemned worldwide by dermatologists, psychiatrists and even scientists who study insects, called as entomologists; the afflicted patients feel that, mind you, feel with delusional intensity, that they are infested by parasites, that crawl, bite and infest their bodies and make them suffer both physically and psychologically.
Morgellons disease has divided the world through the media of the internet, with websites devoted to creating support groups for thousands of patients who are turned down by their doctors.
How can one say that Morgellons disease is a delusion?
It may be a cultural superstition. Yet, the terrifying truth could possibly be, that it may be the result of a biological warfare germs laboratory experiment gone horribly wrong.
joni mitchell
Today, there are organized groups of people across countries, including celebrities, who claim that fibers are protruding from their skin, literally, all over. A famous song writer Joni Mitchell claimed that one feels ‘cosmetically disfigured’ as a result of this illness.
It is claimed that Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo attempted to commit suicide, due to being stigmatized sufferers. This has been openly claimed by certain internet groups and websites.
On one hand, we have Mary Leitao’s Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) and on the other, the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), the world most respected organization with this regard.
Is there any cure for this illness?
At the least, there is only a palliation of sorts. Is there any hope? It seems that very low dose drugs like Olanzapine and Risperidone that are used in mental illnesses like schizophrenia, at 1/10th the dose, make the sufferers feel comforted, yet they persist to believe in this Delusional Parasitosis (DP). They keep repeating that invisible insects keep crawling all over their bodies and the like, but they do not feel agitated or disturbed by it.
It is a political matter, if not a philosophical one to figure out who is right. The final authorities are the governments. The bottom line is that the US house of Congress is yet to decide who is right. Only time will tell…

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