Thursday 28 May 2015

What Is Dragon Fruit Good For?

Dragon fruit
Technology and our quest for interesting fruits have succeeded in bringing distinct flavors and colors to our fruit basket. The supermarkets are decorated with exotic fruits having attractive names, colors and shapes. One such fruit that is becoming increasingly popular among the fruit lovers is pitaya, more commonly known as the dragon fruit. 

It is an extraordinarily beautiful fruit with distinct shape and is found in vibrant shades of red, yellow or pink. The inside of this fruit is filled with a sweet tasting pulp that has high concentrations of Vitamin C, B1, B2 and B3, minerals like iron, phosphorous and calcium, and it is abundantly rich in dietary fiber. Dragon fruit is also a very reliable source of antioxidants and phytoalbumins in particular.
Considering the fact that this fruit is power packed with important nutrients and offers many health profits to the consumers, the list of its benefits is actually impressive. Some of the benefits that it offers include:
Enhanced heart health:
The fat found in the dragon fruit is contained in its many seeds that are embedded in its flesh. A single dragon fruit may contain even up to thousand seeds, forming a good source of mono saturated fats that keeps the heart in good health.  It decreases bad cholesterol levels and increases the levels of good cholesterol in the blood.
Protection from free radicals:
Dragon fruit is a potentially rich source of antioxidants that provide safety against the dangers of free radicals which are known to cause cancer and other health issues. The quality of antioxidants found in dragon fruits is unmatched as they contain a variety of antioxidant in a single fruit.
Goodness of fiber:
Because of its high fiber content, dragon fruit is extremely good for the digestive system and is known for its gut cleansing properties. A fresh dragon fruit provides 1 gram of fiber for 100 grams of fruit. The same amount of its dried pulp may yield up to 10 grams of fiber. With such good concentration of fiber, dragon fruit offers a good solution to constipation and also regulates the blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
Anti-ageing properties:
The antioxidants of the Dragon fruit, keeps the skin healthy and wrinkle free. Eating the fruit and applying a mask of its pulp on the skin helps in keeping it firm and young, by fighting free radicals that may damage the skin cells.
Regulating diabetes:
The high fiber content of dragon fruits helps in keeping blood sugar levels under check, by avoiding sugar spikes that may happen after eating meals with starchy ingredients.
Easing the arthritis pain:
Dragon fruit is also called the anti-inflammatory fruit. Including dragon fruit in your diet helps in reducing swelling around joints and makes movement easier by alleviating the symptoms of arthritis.
Aiding in weight loss:
Being a low calorie fruit with more fiber, dragon fruit easily makes one feel full for a long duration. It not only reduces the calorie load of the meal but also helps in maintaining healthy body weight by improving one’s metabolism.

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