Tuesday 26 May 2015

Read About The World’s Smallest Park Which Is No Bigger Than A Flower Pot [PHOTO]

With a diameter of just two meters, Mill Ends Park, in Portland, Oregon, currently holds the record for the world’s smallest park. Read more from the Oddity Central:

Mill Ends was originally supposed to be the site of a light pole, but for some reason, the pole never arrived and weeds began to sprout from the hole. During the 1940s, man-hood Fagan, a columnist for the Oregon Journal, whose office overlooked the tiny park, noticed the derelict patch of land and decided to do something about it.
He started planting foliage there and even came up with a special column in the local paper dedicated to Mill Ends Park. He managed to create a whole story around the place, including leprechauns living there that only he could see, and tiny shamrocks growing inside the other plants.
The city of Portland acquired Mill Ends in 1976 and the light pole site officially became a city park. Over the years, locals made all kind of contributions to the tiny park, from small swimming pools, diving boards for b*tterflies to tiny statuettes and figurines. Since 1971, it has held the Guinness record of world’s smallest park.

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