Tuesday 20 October 2015

Port Harcourt International Airports Ranked World’s Worst Airport + See Full List

It’s sad to know that Nigeria always find its way on one negative list or the other.

The Port Harcourt International Airport has just been ranked as the world’s worst airport in 2015, according to a recent survey reported by a travel website on the guide to Sleeping in Airports.
The survey was conducted to  ascertain the world’s worst and best aviation terminals and it attracted 26,297 responses from fliers.
Respondents complained about Port Harcourt Airport’s unpleasant and unhelpful staff, alleged corruption, a severe lack of seating, broken air-conditioning and the fact that the arrivals hall was inside a tent.
See the top 10 worst airport in the world below: –
1. Port Harcourt International Airport (Nigeria)
2. King Abdulaziz International Airport (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
3. Tribhuvan International Airport (Kathmandu, Nepal)
4. Tashkent International Airport (Uzbekistan)
5. Simon Bolivar International Airport (Caracas, Venezuela)
6. Toussaint Louverture International Airport (Port au Prince, Haiti)
7. Hamid Karzai International Airport (Kabul, Afghanistan)
8. Tan Son Nhat International Airport (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
9. Benazir Bhutto International Airport (Islamabad, Pakistan)
10. Beauvais-Tille International Airport (Paris)

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