Tuesday 6 October 2015

U.S. seeks to increase number of Nigerian students in American schools

Nigerian Family Students
The U.S. Embassy in Nigeria in an effort to increase the number of Nigerian students studying in America will convene its 16th annual ‘Education USA College Fair’ between Oct. 7 and 8 in Abuja.

This is contained in a statement by the Public Affairs Section of U.S. Embassy on Monday in Abuja.
The statement said that Nigerian students’ enrollment in the U.S. higher education institutions had increased more than 25 per cent in the past five years.
“Approximately 8,000 Nigerian students are currently studying in U.S. higher education institutions and 18th in the world for international U.S. higher education enrollment,” it stated.
The statement said that the Fair with the theme “Education USA: Exploring the Opportunities” would provide students with the prospect of exploring the diversity and vitality of higher education in the U.S.
It stated that U.S. college admission officers, alumni of various U.S. universities, and the U.S. Embassy’s education advisors would be available to interact with attendees.
According to the statement, they will also offer reliable information on U.S. higher educational institutions and guidance on the application process, standardised testing, and scholarship opportunities.
“The U.S. Mission’s Education Advising Centre promotes U.S. education by providing students and parents in Nigeria with accurate, comprehensive, and current information on U.S. universities and colleges,” it added.

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